US Self Employed Health Care Savings Program

Affordable Full Coverage Health Insurance Program

US Residents Saving Big With New Healthcare Program

Are you overpaying on your health insurance premium?

In 2020 the average cost for healthcare coverage for self-employed individuals is over $700/month. The average family pays over $1,021/month (up 23% from last year) or over $12,000/year. That cost is continuing to rise as fewer companies participate in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and more people with massive medical claims are taking advantage of new laws. Traditional ACA health insurance plans only get more expensive every year.

One of the greatest benefits of full coverage private market health coverage plans is that they cover self employed people 24/7 on or off the job, so they don't have to purchase an extra workers compensation plan which can cost hundreds of dollars per month. However, the benefits extend well beyond self-employed people to many individuals, families, and small business across the country. Some of the key benefits include:

- Much lower monthly premiums than the vast majority of ACA plans
- No calendar year deductible - a.k.a. first-dollar benefits
- Nationwide coverage at any doctor, any hospital (in or out of network)
- Underwriting at the time of application, not the time of the claim, so when you really need to focus on health issues you don't have to carry on a protracted battle to get your benefits from the insurance company
- Person-to-person service, meaning that you would have a dedicated agent/advocate throughout the life of the policy
- A strong stop-loss provision that protects you against going bankrupt in the event that you ever incur massive medical expenses (even outside of your network); and
- An out-of-pocket maximum of $100 for any accident in most states.

What happens if your family cannot afford health insurance?
The Affordable Care Act forces health insurance companies to accept ALL individuals for coverage regardless of how healthy they are, which has caused premiums and deductibles to skyrocket for most healthy Americans, while the ACA plans’ provider networks have become smaller and more restrictive. What's worse is the recent laws have not incentivized individuals to use common sense when it comes to their healthcare needs which further increases the cost of healthcare for the majority of individuals. Our policies are much more affordable on average since we cover healthy citizens.

For normal hardworking Americans, health insurance costs have risen which means the average individual over 50 years old is paying nearly $10,000/year!

Is an underwritten health coverage plan the answer for you?

If you’re a healthy person looking for health coverage solutions that are designed around your needs and provide the security of excellent medical coverage at an affordable price, these underwritten plans are right for you.